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1、1 I am your teacher

2、My teacher is you.

3、2 you are my sister

4、My sister is you.

5、3 you are his new friend

6、His new friend is you.

7、4 he is her unche

8、Her uncle is him.

9、5 it is your car.

10、Your car is it.

11、6 she is their friend.

12、Their friend is her.

13、7 he is our boss

14、Our boss is him.

15、8 she is him aunt

16、His aunt is her.

17、9 they are your doctor

18、Your doctors are them.

19、10 you are our engineers

20、Our engineers are you.

21、11 we are their architcts.

22、Their architects are us.

23、12 they are her toys

24、Her toys are them.

25、13 the boys are his son

26、His sons are the boys.

27、14 the girls are her pupils

